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About mobile school

In short, this system is called a mobile school because wherever the school principals are located, they do their work without having to go to the office first. here we can say: creating different reports, record student's marks to the teachers, looking at the results of examinations and Quiz for students, everything is done with the help of technology and in a moment the request is answered.

  • exchange of information between the school administration and parents.
  • Paying school fees and other necessities
  • to help parents know exactly location of school what to admit his/her child in easy.

parents are involved in the learning of their students while they are at school and know what they do on a day-to-day basis, which improves the quality of education because it is the school administrations and the parents who share their ideas and school Fees Payment by using MTN MoMo,Credit Cards and Bank Transfer without any Move.

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Why should you choose mobile school?

this is the cheapest system and it is compatible in different devices such as telephones, tablets and computers also it peroform many tasks like:

System Features

This technology has various features related to school education.
we are going to talk about some of them as they are built and some of the things that are done in each side.

Head Teacher side

All activities related to school Managers that done at ance such as Staff registrations, uploading school files,Students and Employees Management,store important school,quick reports and easy searching stored school data and others, auto SMS send to the Parents in digital communication.

Dean of Studies side

in this side the user is able to use the features of this system by making various activities like Time Table preparation, Exam Result,report card automation, subject management, Classes and School academic Year management,Calcrum uploading and others...

Teachers side

teacher can create notes for students to add on E-classroom, Prepare assessments or Exams, advanced electronic attendance list, record marks of students according to his/her Module or Subject to the given class in Exams and CAT or Formative Assessment.

Bursar panel

accountant office operations all activities like advanced fees management, students un paid annually reports and Each Term paid and unpaid Fees reports, Advanced records searching and accountant files uplaoding.here officer approve payment of students also generate amount of fees to be paid for next Term.

Discipline side

In discipline services: Record new students at first academic year and in process also check every term students materials,it generates students discipline Reports,provide permission to the student and their parent get SMS automatically when student got permission.

Parents side

Parents get access in eduction given to their students,where they get all status of their student when they are at school by enter phone number and OTP number sent to their email after enter in system to view all status related to their students. here can see fees status,discipline status,perfomance status and others every day.

Stock and Library side

records products,Suppliers and Books all details and provide daily, Monthly and Yearly of stock, may register company, add new products in stock, can Perform stock in and stock out automation and reports without any Mathematical calculations it generate own evaluations.

Students side

students get more notifications from school,download and view notes or assessment uploaded by various teachers at given school and class, Students send payment receipt in accountancy school office.also check all academic performance by entering their uniquery reg number.

We are here for you

If you do not understand or are not satisfied with this system, do not hesitate to call us or contact us we help you we are here for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I get this system?

    To get this system, you add in your school and wait for the admin to approve your request. and start using this technology.

  • This system is affordable because it is designed to help educational institutions use the latest technology. and also help them speed up educational activities.

  • This system helps the parent to monitor the child's learning and well-being day by day while he is at school not only that but also to know the information related to the child's success.

  • This technology allows them to speed up educational programs by creating student reports in the blink of an eye and allows them to easily communicate with parents via SMS and Email and main education activities.

  • In this system, the teacher helps to write the student's marks without mistakes because it helps him in the calculation of the marks both Theory and Practical Exams also Assessment and Quiz.

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KG 28 Ave, Kigali



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